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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Virtually Organized

Our Library Thing library is now deemed organized! 1,315 (+/-) books now are under these categories only

UG (458),
LG (339),
D (251),
Middle Ages 400-1600 (156),
religion (132),
Late Renaissance 1600-1850 (130),
TOG2 (123),
life science (108),
Ancients 5000-400 (92),
TOG1 (86),
earth science (79),
R (72),
life skills (67),
TOG3 (66),
multi-level (63),
geography (62),
Modern Times 1850-1994 (62),
TOG4 (61),
art (57),
poetry (49),
music (49),
Foreign language (47),
multi-period (46),
French (46),
mythology and folklore (43),
language arts (32),
crafts (32),
education (29),
coloring book (28),
general science (27),
PreK (27),
junior literature (26),
math (17),
classic literature (15),
astronomy (11),
Logic-Philosophy (11),
physics (10),
inventions (7),
grammar and writing (6),
dictionary (6),
audiobook (6),
chemistry (5),
holidays (5),
United Methodism (4),
spelling (4),
Latin (3),
cookbook (3),
duplicate (3),
Mom's fiction (1)

It's not done, I'm still going through the shelves but I no longer have to mess around with useless categories. This may be a personal victory, but organzing 1300 books by subject is not easy!



mrsamy said...

Wow, I am impressed. I am almost finished adding my books to library thing (I'm up to almost 800), but I didn't do any sort of organizing along the way.

By the way, I am a frequent lurker on your blog (and on the WTM boards). My DD is starting K next year and I plan to homeschool her, but for now I am just soaking up all of the great ideas you have to offer. Thanks!

my5wolfcubs said...

I've got to get back to LibraryThing! You make it look like fun! I'd love to see where I have a lot of books verses where I have only a few! And I have to ask -- what is your ONE Mom's fiction book??

Jessica said...

The current 1 Mom's Fiction is Cicero: The Life and Times of Rome's Greatest Politician by Anthony Everitt. I have a lot more, I just haven't touched *my* shelves yet.

I like Nicholas Sparks, Elizabeth Berg, Debbie MacComber, Karen Kingsbury,and others- I just check the books out from the library b/c I need the shelf space for non-fiction books.

:) I neglected mine too- big time, I won't tell you that I'm not really done, I just got those tags under control.

Thanks Lee

Carol said...


Lisa~ said...

Jessica... I used to go to church with Debbie MacComber.... she is a wonderful lady! Very giving.....

I thought i posted on here last night... but Its not here so it must not have gone thorugh!

Sounds like you tackled a huge job and now its done! It must feel good. *Ü*


Anna said...


my5wolfcubs said...

Lol! My first thought was "she has ONE book and it is Cicero?!" But then I read that you just hadn't gotten to all your own books. :)

Anonymous said...

I was wondering, how do you use this organization tool? I know there's a purpose for knowing what books you have--does the virtual translate into actual on your shelves? Can you find cross referenced material, special quotes, or some other "thing" this way?
I'm clapping (clap clap clap) for ya, for doing this massive job! We have floor to ceiling bookshelves in our office that desperately need organizing, and I might do the virtual thing if you could list the bennies for me.
BTW, I visit your blog everyday--you are doing a great job.
Chris in VA

Jessica said...

Hi Chris,
Okay the importance of LibraryThing in my life is a few things:

1. I purchase most of our books online so I am able to see if we have a book already on a subject & what reading level it is.

2. Our real life shelves cannot be as perfect, at least I'm not willing to be as perfect. We divide the books on the shelf by: Ancients, Middle Ages, Late Renaissance, and Modern Times, General History, sceince, music and art, french, jr. literature.

3. With LT I can glance to see what books are [Late Renaissance, UG, D] so that when I'm planning I don't have to plan amidst a pile of books until I'm ready to.

4. Because the library needs maintaining any book coming in or out of our house is documented on LT- which helps us remember if we actually have the book when we are out in a real life bookstore pondering a book purchase.

5. I use BookMooch to trade books that we no longer want, using LT helps me instantly see where we might want to purge or where we might want to beef up with better reading.

6. I can put our books on my blog which is very cool. Lol!!!

: ) Jessica

Anonymous said...


Wow! Quite impressive! You have given me the motivation to organize the books on my shelves. Maybe I will get around to putting them on Library Thing. Most of my books are old, so a scanner will not work. I would need to type them all in. Did I mention that we have a LOT of books.

I am a lurker to your blog and enjoy your easy going manner, and your organizational ideas for homeschooling. Thanks!