- Hop, Skip and Sing French- games, stories and vocabulary
- French Vocabulary 1000 Cards by Quick Study- 1000 ways to save time (lol)
- French Grammar
- Easy French Exercises
- Side by Side English and French Grammar
- Instant Immersion French workbook
- The Big Blue Book of 555 French Verbs
- Webster's French-English/English-French Dictionary
- The Missing Cat by Berlitz (with CD)
- Food (French/English Bilingual) book
- French Ways and Their Meanings by Edith Warton
- Penguin Parallel Text French/English Short Stories 1
- The Easy French Reader
- French Vocabulary Book by Berlitz
- Goodnight Everyone (French/English bilingual) book
- Play and Learn French (everyday conversations & songs)
Life. It's doesn't slow down does it? We have things we HAVE to do, things we've committed ourselves to, things we WANT to do. If I were to write all that we've done or have to do in the last two weeks or the following two weeks- I would shut down this computer and crawl into bed until I felt it was safe to come out. Guess what? It will never be safe! We can't hide from our responsibilities no matter how long we procrastinate, it's much better to grab the bull by the horns than to run around trying to cover our red pant wearing behinds! (My grandma used to say that.)

A dog statue that Danny had fun with at an arts & crafts festival while we were visiting my parents.

This picture really captures Danny's softness which I'll miss because he's getting older. Life has been crazy lately, I don't have a post for Camille's work because it has been sporadic as we've been travelling. It's nice to be home and resume some type of normalcy- who am I kidding!? We're not normal. Camille's piano lessons are going well, French is going well, our new cooking is going well as long as I cook the vegetables before they sour. Life is good. And I'm thanking God for it all even while I pray for strength during this time as we deal with Dh's mom going home. There's not an update for her, she still has cancer and it's still untreatable. It may happen at any time but I'm leaning on the Lord and trying to be there for my dh. Her 60th birthday is coming up and we pray it will be a good one for her, a lot of family is gathering. I pray that the Lord will make me an instrument of His peace everyday lately.
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