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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Weekly Report

Okay, so I missed a week or two in doing the weekly report. We got a puppy and I've been dealing with this face as well! Yes, this is my son in the middle of a temper tantrum. He wanted something that I told him no about. Poor baby.

This, ladies and gentleman will detour your homeschooling efforts faster than you can imagine. Try reading aloud with a screaming toddler. If he's about to be 3, is he still a toddler? Hmm. Anyways, on with the weekly report.

Bible is going well, nothing new there other than I have her read out of Proverbs every morning. Here's the books we're currently reading, we just finished Charlotte's Web and we're starting Wind in the Willows tonight. I'm aiming for a chapter a night, we'll see how long it takes. Charlotte's Web took almost three weeks because of bedtime distractions. Camille also read Madeline this week with an audiobook version of it. She did this 6x! She's currently reading aloud from the Doorways to Adventure (old school reader).

Here's a picture of her FLL work, I can barely see it but it might be better once it's on the blog, who knows. If not, I'm sorry. It says- I feel love for you. My mother feels love for me. It was intended to be copywork for her but I used it as dictation. We're on lesson 46 out of the 100 for first grade, time to step it up a notch.

I've been a bad teacher when it comes to math, she gets her workbook pages done sometimes when I'm wrangling her little brother and like today, she did perfect on it. I haven't taught her anything in a week, she's just cruising along. We've got to get back in the habit of talking about it, even if she thinks she knows it.

Evidence of her history notebook, lol. We talked about Greek myths today and I think we'll tackle another chapter this week in order to move on. We've read a lot of library books so I'm very comfortable just speeding up Greece. Here's a picture of the books we're reading or have read this week. These are only library books, we've actually read more from our home library.

The top picture is a ladybug that Camille wanted to create and the bottom picture is her version of cave art, an activity from Artistic Pursuits. I've slowed down on Artistic Pursuits so that I don't run out of art lessons, she looks forward to them.

Camille finished Spelling Workout B today. She surprised me when she said, this is the last lesson Mom. What? The dictionary in the back of the workbook is quite large so I thought we had more to go. Spelling is done for first grade, the B workbook is for second grade anyways.

Poem: Mr. Nobody by Anonymous and Hymn: Praise Him from All Blessings Flow. Scriptures as well.



Anonymous said...

LOVE the picture of Danny! My son (2yo) ALWAYS decides to make truck noises or sing songs VERY loudly when I am trying to read aloud. Several times I have just had to stop and tell the girls we will just have to wait until he finds something else to do.

Sandi said...

I loved seeing your weekly report. I might start doing the same.
Did you create the notebook sheet in her history notebook? We are slowy working our way into her writing a sentence or two of her narration. That type of page would make that easier.


lisa said...

My daughter is in the 2nd grade and she's been completely writing all of her own narrarations now. I posted it on my blog,, how we helped her along with this. I love seeing other kids having "history notebooks", great idea posting all this stuff for the world to see. Thanks Jessica!