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Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Elementary Years Overview

UPDATE: This has changed, for the latest PreK-4 information, see Our PreK-4

Here's our overview plan for first through fourth grade. I haven't added in any sports, homemaking, other activities because curriculum is easy, life is hard.

Horizons Preschool
Tons of reading aloud, games and fun
D'Nealian pre-writing activites

Galloping the Globe
Sing, Spell, Read & Write K/1
Horizons K
D'Nealian Handwriting, Copywork

First Grade
Bible: Leading Little Ones to God, Beginnings I: And It Was Good
Phonics: Sing, Spell, Read & Write K/1
Grammar: Language Lessons for the Very Young
Memory/Copywork: The Harp and the Laurel Wreath, other memory work
Math: Horizons 1

Spelling: Spelling Workout A & B
Handwriting: If printing consistently neat, start Classically Cursive Book 1
History: TOG Redesigned Year 1 with SOTW, Lower Grammar focus
Science: Life science- Human, Animal & Plant
Art: Artistic Pursuits K-3, Book 1

Unit Study Month: Dinosaurs

Second Grade

Bible: Beginnings II: Jesus, My Shepherd
French: French vocabulary and games
Memory/Copywork: The Harp and the Laurel Wreath, other memory work
Grammar: Primary Language Lessons by Lingua Mater
Math: Horizons 2

Spelling: Spelling Workout C only
Handwriting: finish Classically Cursive Book 1, do cursive in copywork
History: TOG Redesigned Year 2 with SOTW, Lower Grammar focus
Science: Earth Science & Astronomy
Art: TOG Year 2 & Artistic Pursuits K-3, Book 2
Music: Private piano lessons
Geography: The Geography Book, use in science lessons

Unit Study Month: ?


Bible: Discovery: In The Beginning
French: more children's products smorgasboard
Memory/Copywork: The Harp and the Laurel Wreath, other memory work
Writing: Writing Tales 1
Grammar: Intermediate Language Lessons by Lingua Mater
Math: Horizons 3

Spelling: Spelling Workout C/D
Logic: Building Critical Thinking Skills, Book 1
History: Tapestry of Grace, ReDesign Year 3 with SOTW
Science: Living Learning Books Chemistry
Art: Drawing With Children
Music: Private piano lessons

Unit Study Month: Summer field trip based on U.S. history studies

Fourth Grade

Early History of Israel: Exodus through Joshua
French: First Start French (?)
Memory/Copywork: The Harp and the Laurel Wreath, other memory work
Grammar: Junior Analytical Grammar, finish Intermediate Language Lessons
Writing: Classical Composition Fable Narrative (1/2 yr)
Math: Horizons 4

Spelling: Spelling Workout D/E
Logic: ?
History: Tapestry of Grace ReDesign Year 4 with SOTW
Science: Noeo Physics or Bite-Size Physics?
Art: Artistic Pursuits K-3, Book 3
Music: Piano instruction (child's decision)

Unit Study Month: Read all The Story of the World Volumes in geographical order (?)

  1. Spelling will be dependent on Camille's progress, we'll slow down/speed up when she needs to.
  2. Our Unit Study month is what we'd like to focus on for one month in-between ending and starting a new year.
  3. We will use Horizons Math through 6th grade.
  4. We will use Tapestry of Grace with SOTW as a spine for 1-4.
Now, instead of searching through my various notebooks to find this, I can just pull it up here.

Adding Logic/Dialectic stage (5th-8th) thoughts:

- History: TOG Dialectic level with Streams of Civilization as our spine, with timeline.
- French: First Start French Level 1 and 2, then ?
- Math: Horizons 5 & 6, then ?
- Bible: Explorer's Bible Study (on-going)
- Science: Prentice Hall Science Explorer books
- Logic: still being determined
- Grammar: 6th-8th Analytical Grammar
- Writing: Writing Aids too?
5th CC Fable/Narrative with Classical Writing's Poetry for Beginners (?)
6th CC Cheira/Maxim
7th CC Refutation-Common Topic
8th CC Encomium/Invective/Comparison



Sleep-Deprived said...


There are a lot of good homeschooling pages out there, but I have to say, practically speaking yours has been one of the most helpful to me. I really appreciate how you post about what you are doing and especially what things you've found helpful.

Thanks for putting your thoughts out there for the rest of us to read :)

Anonymous said...

From past experience, we have found the higher level books in the Spelling Workout program much more challenging than the lower grades. From about Book E and higher, it takes 20-30 min/day, four days a week with an (optional) test on Fridays.

I think it is wise that you are questioning two levels/year!