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Sunday, December 30, 2007

In 2008, I resolve to...

1. Learn to communicate better with my dh.
2. Have Girls' Night out with Camille at least once a month.
3. Save money for field trips that highlight U.S. History in the Southeast.
4. Be more forgiving, more quickly.
5. Find a balance between schmoozing and being real.
6. Exercise with my kids.
7. Have a family game night every week.
8. Get out of the house once a week, without kids or dog, even if it's for 1 hour.
9. Read to Danny every day.
10. Take better care of myself- mind, body, spiritually.

What do you resolve?



Andrea said...

Jessica - Thanks for this post! I rarely resolve since no one holds me accountable. But with my new blog ( a list and motivation from my favorite blogger (that would be you!), I thought of some good ideas for this new year! Thanks!

Lisa~ said...

Hmm... I will think on this and post too! I have a few things in mind.... but will try and think of a few more. I commend you Jessica! Your list is a great one! You are an inspiration for sure…..... How about you keep me accountable and I you??? *Ü* or at least try?? Maybe that would be hard so far away hu?

Hope you had a beautiful Christmas! Happy New Year early!

Much love, Lisa

Anonymous said...


Never pegged you for a schmoozer. :)

Here's my resolution: take the time to keep in touch with friends even when my life seems overwhelming, exhausting, etc.

Happy New Year!

TarponGirl Amy

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica

Don't have any resolutions yet, but I noticed your top one. Just wanted to recommend a couple of great books. Have you read For Women Only (it's by Shaunti someone--the name is unusual enough that you should be able to find it!) and its companion book, For Men Only? Really eye opening.
Just wanted to offer! Hope all is well.
Chris in VA