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Saturday, December 8, 2007

Mid-Year Shake up

Bible- We have been using Explorer's Bible Study but for December we're reading Advent instead. I fully believe in Explorer's and want to use it for creating a good foundation but we're enjoying reading real-life stories right now. I'm in prayerful consideration what direction would be best after Advent, reading Bible stories or using Explorer's for the rest of the year. I want to make sure that the decision is based on something concrete other than my antsy-ness right now. I'm considering using the Storykeepers DVDs that the kids are getting for Christmas and reading out of Egermeier's Bible Storybook or Beautiful Bible Stories the scripture that relates to the Storykeepers episode. I think it would be a great way to focus on both Danny and Camille for Bible.

Exercise- This is a new addition to our daily routine. We have YogaKids, Tae Bo Kicks (for kids) and Leslie Sansone's KidsWalk which we will be interchanging so that we don't get bored. We are also taking Jack, our 3 month old pup, on afternoon (nature) walks.

Preschool- Danny needs his own time for reading other than bedtime, so I'm going to be experimenting when it would be best to have "Danny" time within Camille's lesson time. We're using 's Preparatory Curriculum which involves a theme for the week.

Memory CD- This is still in an experimental stage, I've put math skip counting songs, grammar songs from FLL, songs from Themes to Remember, French, poetry for memorization and Books of the Bible songs on a CD for Camille to listen to everyday. I think I need to break up the CD, create one for math and grammar, and the other for poetry, music and French and alternate the CDs each day. I am thinking about only doing Themes to Remember one day a week since she'll be listening to it on her memory cd. I'm also thinking about letting her choose a poem to remember and have her present it on Friday. I really want to simplify as much as possible so I am trying to figure out how I can use the Memory CD to lighten our 1-on-1 time.

Math- nothing is changing here, I'm happy with math fact copywork and Horizons 2.

LA and Spelling- Camille has requested doing an activity in her Spelling Workout once a day, this will be combined with her new grammar workbook, Mailbox's Mechanics, Grammar and Usage Grades 2-3. LA is going to take a good bit of our time daily from now on including writing and narrations. I'm considering picking a few poems with Camille and putting the titles in a jar for her to pick to remember each week. I don't know, I just want it to be something that she yearns to do moreso than something I lead.

History- We're switching to TOG for our history while still using SOTW. We will continue mapwork SOTW style with a salt map every 4 weeks, I am considering taking out coloring pages but that is dependent on Camille. She loves art. I think an art project once a week may satisfy her though.

Science- Lots of reading here with 1 experiment a week. I'm no longer concerned with notebooking in science right now. It bogs us down. Copywork and possibly illustrating what we're studying will be extent of items for the notebook.

French- Games, listening to audiobooks and practice, practice, practice.

A proposed daily routine

6:30- Wake up, chores, breakfast
7:00 - Curious George (aka Mom's shower time), clean up breakfast
7:30 - Circle Prayer time and Exercise
8:00 - Bible
8:30 - Math
9:15 (?)- Snack Break

9:30 Camille - LA (Spelling, Writing, Poetry, Reading aloud)
----- Danny- while Camille is doing independent work Danny gets his time
10:30 - History / Science (good time for Danny's independent room play time)
11:30 - French
12:00 - Lunch/ Tidy-up

12:30 - Danny Preschool
-------- Camille's independent room time w/ memory cd
1:00 - Piano practice 15 minutes
1:30 - Walk Jack (nature walk)
2:00 - Run errands if needed, free play for the rest of the afternoon

Bedtime Reading: 3 books for Danny and 30 minutes for Camille



Darcy @ m3b said...

Looks like a great plan. I'm also trying to figure out how to fit in my new preschooler. Like you, I'm thinking right when the bigger boys are done. :)

Sandi said...

Looks good. I hear you about notebooking. When I notebook both Science and History we both start to feel a bit rushed and overwhelmed. I will be interested to see how TOG goes for you. I am considering it for the next go round with the history cycle.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in your switch to TOG, Jessica. Do you mind me asking why you're switching? I'm debating between SOTW 1 and TOG.


Jessica said...

Hi Anonymous,
I wish you had left me your name or email address, I don't like to encourage too many completely anonymous questions.

BUT I wrote a post comparing SOTW to TOG

And ultimately I'm choosing TOG to use with SOTW b/c it does all the work I did previously for me. I won't be able to devote so much time to preparing lessons for one child, I'm going to have two that need lessons. I love that TOG provides me with everything I need to teach without making me feel like I should be doing more.

All the important aspects of what I want my children's liberal arts education to look like are covered in TOG.

Teacher of One said...

Where are you getting the bits for the memory CD? Do you have them from other CDs and are ripping them together? We don't do FLL yet... does it have a cd?

I think it is a great idea.


Teacher of One said...

Never mind. LOL
I just went back and reread the original memory cd post & comments.

Ritsumei said...

Sound like a great plan - should keep you busy. I haven't been by in a while: did I miss a post of your memory CD? This sounds like a really cool idea & I'd love to hear more.

Lisa~ said...

Looks great Jessica! How are you liking the Tae Bo Kicks? I bet Ry would love that!

Also... I like the memory cd... Im toying with that idea too... I think both girls could use it... I have a feeling it would be a huge help... I have not yet talked about it w/ Chris yet... she might "feel" to old...

Looks like you have a greta plan... *Ü* Hows that cute puppy?


Anonymous said...

I'm curious to know why you choose to teach French. Most americans seem to favour Spanish. As a bilingual (English/French) Canadian, it's nice to see French getting some action south of the border :-)

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

I found this past Sunday and LOVE it. I started right away on Monday with the toddler "curriculum" ha! It's great for me, because if I don't have something written down, in my face...I'll waste the day away and not a single story will be read, or song will be sung. My son turns two in November so I'll switch to the Prep curriculum then.