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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Weekly Lesson Plan

Finally! With all the little details that I've planned out for our 2nd grade year, I finally have a workable plan. Credit for this goes to a homeschool mom friend (Brenda), who graciously shared her Excel file and I just modified it for us. You can click on the picture to get a full size view or click here.

I've struggled with this because I kept putting to many details under each subject, but now I think I've got it. Each week I will print out a new schedule instead of doing 4 weeks at a time. This way if we don't accomplish something, I can modify the schedule without having to change too much. This will be posted on our bulletin board each week.

Camille will also have a weekly folder where I will put all of Monday's work in the Monday folder, Tuesday's work in the Tuesday folder, etc.

I'm starting to feel like the pieces are all coming together!

*this was updated 8/18/07 to reflect a readjustment to our schedule.

Update: 2/2008 We are no longer using this but I'm keeping it up as a reflection of where we've been and so it might help others who are looking to create their own system.



Anonymous said...

Looks great! This is exactly what I do (except each subject has its own color). I print it weekly, but also print each day (by selecting and printing that daily cell in Excel). We love it and it is easy to modify. Hillary can cross off and mark up all she wants her daily page, and my lesson plans stay intact online and in her notebook.
Thanks for sharing- Angela

Amber said...

Praise the Lord! I know how that feels when it, things starting to come together. I feel like I'm slowly but surely getting there. Hopefully we'll all adjust with the new baby and my 4yo who is anxious to do school. He's been doing Hooked on Phonics! My 2yo today even mentioned about doing school, now I've gotta look in the garage to see where I put the boxes of workbooks I packed for him before we moved.

Sorry for rambling, see you around!

God Bless,

Anna said...

Oooo! I love looking at other people's schedules. Looks great!