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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Grammar Curriculum, Aaaah!

Nothing makes my head spin faster than trying to decide on a grammar program for Camille (and later Danny). We're currently using First Language Lessons which has first and second grade lessons in one book. First Language Lessons 3 is about to be released and it has a workbook- I like that. I don't know why I can't just say, we're doing FLL3- I have no particular reason why I'm still looking, strike that I do know- what if there is something out there that we use longer than just 3rd grade?

Currently we use these for language arts:
Once a week
Spelling Workout C
Evan-Moors Report on Books Grade 1-2

3x a week
First Language Lessons

Cross curriculum shared reading aloud
Daily 30 min independent reading time
I read aloud daily about 1-2 hours including science and history reads

I want to use Classical Writing starting in 3rd and we'll probably start Tapestry of Grace then too. Tapestry of Grace suggests Easy Grammar. These are the programs I have looked at and my thoughts:

First Language Lessons: I like it but it doesn't extend further than 3 which just prolongs the agony of picking a program. It would be my first choice for 3rd grade because I like copywork, dictation, narration, and poetry that is combined into the program.

Rod & Staff: It may be the most thorough program out there for grammar but I feel like I'll tire of it quickly and not feel motivated to do it, which may influence my children. I don't know what it is that I don't like, I have the R&S 3 book on loan from a dear friend so I'm going to look at it more. This is highly recommended all through the homeschool community, maybe it's an authority issue. Lol.

Voyages in English: I really like this, Camille would too but I'm not sure about the workbooks being split between grammar and writing. I really don't need a writing program since we're going to use Classical Writing and others have said it has been hard for them to use.

Character Quality Language Arts: Oh, I was thrilled with this! Character education based on Biblical teachings that covers all language arts! After printing it out and working through the lesson, I don't like it. Sigh.

Learning Language Arts through Literature: So far I like this, Cathy Duffy likes it too. I'm going to look further into this. I would only use this until 8th grade though.

Junior Analytical Grammar: I like the concept of this program, but it's for older students. I want grammar now because we're going to start french grammar in 4th and latin in 5th or 6th, I want to have a strong english grammar base of knowledge.

Abeka Language Arts: Their cutesy graphics annoy me, I'm going to try to get a copy of the language arts student book to see if this would work for us. Good solid program, others say.

Too many programs! Urgh. Why can't I choose?



Christa said...

Jess - not to throw a kink into your planning, but remember that new things come out every year. If you think you all will enjoy FLL for third, then go with that, and in two years, there may be something different on the market - or Camille might have a bigger opinion on the Grammar curriculum - or you might have somehow discovered something else. Don't plan the eighth grade too specifically when she's in the second.

By the way, I'm also guilty of this. My husband told me to not plan TOO much when I was agonizing over what we should do for a core after we finish our trip around the world (36 weeks) and Sonlight Core C (another 36 weeks).

Anonymous said...

I concur with Thoughtful Mom, and my additional 2 bits are this; go ahead and use First language lessons until it runs out. If you think you're going to be using TOG, then you can do Easy Grammar. We are using the pink book for our 7 and 9 your old. They love it. And my 12 year old is using the big red book. There is a reason they call it Easy Grammar.

Owl of HootAndFlutter said...

On the FLL website, it says they're working on Level 4. Also, Classical Writing recommends, and schedules/coordinates, Harvey's Grammar, so once you start using that you may not want another grammar program.

Staci said...

What do you think of Simply Grammar?

That is what I plan to use with my son, he is starting 4th grade in Sept.

The joyful homeschooler said...

I was just reading your post on Grammar curriculum and was wondering what you had decided on. I am searching right now and am going back and forth between LLATL & FLL. It will be for a 2nd grader but he has finished The ordinary parents guide to teaching reading so he is further ahead in reading then 2nd grade level.
Anyhow... just wondering what you went with and how you like it?