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Monday, October 30, 2006

Cicero and Plato for Kids

A thank you to Roodee for sharing that he has acquired Stories from Plato edited by Mary E. Burt because when I went searching for it, I found it free and online at the Baldwin Project.

Stories from Plato and Other Classic Writers by Mary E. Burt

Roman Life in the Days of Cicero by Alfred J. Church

The Aeneid for Boys and Girls by Alfred J. Church

West African Folk Tales by William Barker

362 of the Best Online Classic Children's Books Listed

There are so many wonderful books listed at the Baldwin Project, and instead of purchasing the book, you could download a collection of stories and have them printed up and bound yourself. There are 7699 stories at Baldwin Project, 362 books and some of them are available for sale at Yesterday's Classics. Yesterday's Classics provided books that are used in Ambleside Online and Living Books Curriculum.

This is so exciting! You need to explore Yesterday's Classics website and see if there are any books you'd like to use! Yesterday's Classics, the Baldwin Project and Project Gutenberg are a classical homeschooler's (looking for good wholesome texts to read) dream!


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