A rainbow we saw Wednesday night, there was actually two. At first we only saw a part of it and as I was telling Camille that a rainbows are usually half circles, the other arc appeared, it was a neat moment. We came home and explored how rainbows are formed. http://universalfacts.blogspot.com/2006/04/how-rainbows-are-formed-what-causes.html
These are our new memory cards, just waiting for the business card holder sheet things, lol. There is 74 memory cards in all. These list the items we're going to memorize this year. I'll post more on this later as I get the details nailed down.
This week instead of doing worksheets, we just read and answered the questions orally. This was perfect, we discussed more and enjoyed each other.
I've lessened Camille's workload yet we still have attitude problems. The work itself is going well, the timeliness of it- not so much. Her dad and I have been in a perpetual teacher/parent conference this week.
Grammar & Poetry
We're taking a little break from First Language Lessons and we are using a few other things. It's good for us, Camille likes being able to put into practice what she has learned more. We are working on memorizing True Nobility by Edgar Guest which I think will be our family poem.
We have absorbed handwriting into copywork, which is working out great.
The flashcards with the lesson on Thursday is going well. Camille only missed the word, collar on her spelling test of 15 words.
We have a few items coming in for french since I was able to sell our Level 1 of The Easy French. I'll share more when they arrive. French has gone very well this week, I'm very pleased- it has been fun for both of us and effective.
SOTW 2, Chapter 5 Medieval India- we explored the Ajanta Caves, created our own frescoes, read about Buddha and a few other books about life in India as well as Indian folktales. There were a few questions about Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity but for the most part Camille understands that we all have free will.
This week we studied why the Earth has seasons including locating the: equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle and the Northern & Southern hemispheres.
This week we studied why the Earth has seasons including locating the: equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle and the Northern & Southern hemispheres.
On the tilted areas of earth the sun's effect is not as hot. Notice the shading of the circle.
Music & Piano
Camille has finished the beginning level of her piano lessons! She has done very well with this and will soon be working on the next level. Our own music appreciation has been put on hold while a few attitudes regarding math have lengthened our day beyond what it needs to be.
This is so great to see! I love to see what others are doing. Her cursive looks great! She hasn't been doing it very long has she?
We're doing more discussion with our bible reading too, which I like more than just having it be another curriculum to get through.
Looks like things are going great for you.
Great work Camille and Mama!
Tell Camille that her fresco is beautiful and her handwriting is wonderful, as well. "Way to go Camille! Keep up the great work!"
Jennefer and Thatcher
PS Tell Danny that we hope he is still enjoying his new skill of bike riding, too!
I am so impressed by Ms. Camille's beautiful handwriting. The cursive letters are so carefully formed. Job well done!
Since we took a vaca, you have caught up to us in history and I'm so glad. :)
I love the pictures this week... the raibnow.... your frescos.... what a great week you had hu?
Thanks for sharing another week! I love to read these. :)
We'll begin doing ours end of next week...
I feel the need to comment on lots!!
Great rainbow picture & frescos!
Your memory cards look wonderful -- we did some Q & A cards awhile back and used them at dinner. Everyone got to pick 2, keep them face down and then after we prayed, we went around the table asking the person to our left a question. Then we went back the other way w/ the 2nd card asking the person on our right. Most of them were related to history & science but there were some fun ones like: Where did daddy graduate from college? And what state does Grandma live in? Stuff that I thought they should know but they never remembered.
Bible+discussion+enjoyment= :)
Math - tricky subject...for some kids it's just not mathmagical. :(
Grammar - you've mentioned True Nobility before, but I never noticed it on the side bar! How about a video of her reciting it? Or a stanza?
Thanks for being such a great friend!
I, too am impressed by Camille's cursive! Looks like you all had a good week!
I like your idea for printing up your memory work on cards.
Also, can you ask Camille to teach my 12 yo dd penmanship? She's doing great!
This is obviously an older post, but I just came across it while serching for photos of the real Ajanta Caves frescoes, cause my kids and I are going to paint our plaster of paris frescoes tomorrow! We are doing SOTW Vol.2 this year :) So fun to see that you and your kids enjoyed this a couple of years ago!
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