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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Checking in

Would you believe I married Michael, we bought our own home and we're blissfully happy? Yep, it's all true. The kids are in (gasp) public school and loving it. We tried private school last year and academically it was great but otherwise we weren't impressed.

The private school headmistress actually uninvited a student to come back this year because she didn't like the child's mother, the child had been attending the private school for four years! The mother was not a problematic parent but a parent who was also involved with the school and worked for the school! Who wants their child to attend a private school like that? I probably wouldn't have been invited back anyways...I was friends with the mother who was banished.

I love my job and I do it well which just makes me enjoy it more. I'm up for another award which I'll receive next week. Michael (hub) wants me to blog, but I don't think I should blog here at Trivium Academy, this should be a resource for other homeschool parents as long as it is helpful. Unfortunately, I don't have all the files I used to have because they are on a different computer, most were created on my Mac. I did upload them to Save Files .com but that site has gone down...bummer.

This is going to be a short post, I have to get ready for work. Have a great day!




Jennifer said...


CONGRATULATIONS! I was just thinking about you last night. I checked your blog site to see if you had posted recently. I saw your Genuine Jessica blog as well. Looks great, now you just need some posts.

Mom to Ryan & Connor

These Are The Days said...

Congrats on all your new changes. Yes, you should definitely blog. Keep us posted what your new blog address will be.

mariann said...

Jessica: Warmest congratulations! i am SO happy for you. Mariann (WTM board)

Crissy said...

Congratulations, Jessica!
Blissfully happy is exactly what you deserve!

Debbie said...

I so Happy for You!!! Glad that things are going great for you. I too have went through changes with life. Going through a Separation and finding my life. Please keep me in your prayers as my children and I go through our changes. Debbie of the once was

You keep moving forward...Be happy and many blessings your way..

Your a great internet friend...

Chris said...

Hi Jessica!
So happy for you!
WTM'ers posted about your update--you could visit

And I think you broke a rule--No pictures? :-)

BTW, Nature Girl is going to ps this year, too. Gotta work--have two in college now.

Many blessings,
Chris in VA

Maria said...

Hello, Jessica

It's fantastic that things go so well. Congrats! I'm very happy for you and I wish you and all the family the best.

1kiss, from a homeschool mother who has learnt a lot of you. I wish you would write again, in a new blog.

Aly in Va said...

Many Many Many congratulations on the marriage. I'm so happy to hear about all the good changes. It's amazing when you think about all the unknown blessings GOD has in store for us when we're going through the "mess". So happy for you and to see your return to the blogging world. Any ideas on what you may blog about?