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Saturday, August 29, 2009

An Ending and A Beginning

My first term of college is ending tomorrow and Monday starts a new term with one class. I've been juggling three classes this term and I'm burnt out. I need a break and time to settle into our new life with the kids being in school and moving into a new place.

I am so stinking excited to be moving into our own place, but I'm a little timid about it too. To be able to get our stuff out of storage and make a place for live by ourselves. Moving in with family should be a short-term solution, enough said about that.

Work is going well, I really enjoy my job and the people I work with. A co-worker just got promoted and I'm very happy for her, she's only been there a year and it's encouraging to see her moving upward and onward.

The kids are doing well, growing everyday and the changes in them is apparent. Overall, we're all happier and content.




Penny said...

Jessica - I've been following your blog since your early days at the WTM forum - and I just want to say how much you amaze me. You have a bright future ahead of you, and I know your children will shine along with you. Congratulations on taking some horrible lemons, and making some wonderful lemonade.

Best wishes to you and the kids as you go forward, may God's light shine on all of you and make everything even brighter :)

CookieMonster said...

Hello, lady! I haven't stopped by in a really long time, (because I'm super-duper busy) but I wanted to say hi.

It sounds like you're maturing and growing. That's both wonderful...and incredibly difficult. I remember when I came to the place of 'just being myself - warts and all'. It made all the difference and I ended up with the right man in the end.

Audrey said...

Sounds like you're doing well. I've been praying for you.

Marsha said...

Change is always challenging and exciting, whether the change is people or places. The hardest part for all of us, in my opinion, is staying true to yourself and no others can not change you (nor should they want to). Relationships are hard, be it with other women or men as suitors. Every relationship is a balancing act with each person's wants and desires weighted equally. I'm glad you are experiencing life to its fullest, yet keeping your feet firmly grounded. I'm excited about your move and know how difficult it is to return to your parent's home, but how sweet it is when you are able to fly again. Good luck!

Carolyn de Paula said...

Sounds like you're getting to know yourself better and succeeding. Kudos to you :)

Jennefer said...


I love your #1. When dh does premarital counseling with engaged couples the VERY first thing he asks them is, "Can you be happy with this person if s/he never changes one single bit from now until you die?" If the answer is no they have some pretty tough discussions.

I am glad that things are going well for you! It's great to get your updates. Keep 'em coming!


Island Bookworm said...

Hi Jessica, I haven't been here for a while and, oh my!, things have changed! I hope all is well. It sounds like you are working towards a very bright future. All the best!