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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Almost a month later...

Almost a month later since my last post, wow. I still haven't found my camera so I don't have any new pictures although there were opportunities that I wish I would have captured.

The kids saw a garter snake and we watched it for a while. I joined a gym and the kids have karate lessons through the gym now and yesterday was their first day. It was fun watching them trying to mimic the other kids, because it is a drop-in program they have to be there consistently before being considered there for the karate lessons. They both enjoyed it and I got my 1 hour workout in while they were punching and kicking in another room.

I'm working out. The gym wants you to hire one of their trainers so they give you two free sessions and I did two consecutive days of working out with my torture-trainer. He pushed me and I was sore, barely able to walk due to the pain shooting through my legs the day after but two days later I went back after the soreness had subsided. I've been working out on my own and I finally found a book to help understand and navigate through a workout. It's called Strength Training by Lee E. Brown, published by the National Strength & Conditioning Association. While it doesn't cover aerobics or cardio, it covers the area I feel I need the most help (the area where I feel I need a personal trainer but cannot afford one)- strength training.

I'm doing 5-10 minutes on the treadmill to warm-up, next, floor exercises with a 15 lb. weight bar (deadlifts, squats, lunges) and the stability ball with 5 lb. dumbells (crunches, lifts) then working on the various weight machines for 12-15 reps each before finishing my workout with 10-20 minutes of cardio. I switch up my ending cardio with the elliptical machine, cycling, and treadmill. I hilariously tried the stair-stepper yesterday but gave up after 4 minutes and went to the cycle. I can't say I'm 100% comfortable doing my floor exercises in front of everyone in the co-ed area, but I push myself to do it because I will not allow my lack of self-confidence to undermine my workout.

Today I'm going to try a butt/ab class in the women's area of the gym. I would never have thought that I would LOVE going to the gym or pushing myself physically in this way. It's so much different than exercising at home, you have people all around doing the same things you're doing. You have a purpose for being there and motivation is all around you as well as people who are where you are and those who are where you want to be. I'm feeling great, I'm finally doing something just for me- taking care of myself. Best of all, I'm feeling stronger- in all areas.

In the last few months I have lost 30 lbs. and went from wearing plus sizes to misses all without exercise, just watching what I'm eating and being in a highly stressful stage of my life. I guess you could count moving as exercise, especially with all our books! I've gone from a 18 Women's size (which is plus size) from December to a 14 Misses now. I can now pass by Lane Bryant or breeze right by the Women's section of any department store KNOWING that those clothes are too big for me. I never thought I would put this on our blog, I've never really posted pictures of myself or mentioned anything about my own body before. Life is better for me.

Camille is preparing for her standardized testing at the end of May, Danny is improving as well. I'm working about 37 hours a week right now and everyday life is hectic. It's very hard to work a varied schedule each week - if it weren't for my parents, I'd be a mess right now. They've been so helpful, especially my mom. I work 8-4 one day and then 3-10 the next and the schedule hasn't regulated yet. So on top of everything else, I'm looking for a new job. One that is more stable, 9-5 with benefits and decent pay. I've put out 12 resumes in the last week and I have an interview tomorrow for one. It has been a bit taxing on my mom having the kids while I'm at work. She's not used to it and the kids are still young. While she's adjusted to them, we will not live here forever and I don't want to put my parents in the position of having the kids all the time. It is a delicate balance for everyone and more times than not- it tilts. I don't have a social life right now other than going to the gym, I have met another homeschooling mom but we haven't gotten together very often.

All that can wait. I have high goals for myself (and the kids) for the time being and we're just getting used to our new life. I will be debt-free by the end of this year, or at least by the beginning of 2010. I don't want Murphy to come to visit although I know he will at some point. (Murphy's Law) Once I am debt-free and able to afford a place of our own I will move out of my parents' house- whether it be renting or buying a house is still to be determined. The future is so wide open right now, it's scary and exciting all at once. If we rent, I want to be able to save money for a down-payment on a house but someplace safe and kid-friendly.

The kids will be attending a classical academy (private school) in the fall, I will have a stable 9-5 job and hopefully things will just tick, tick, tick along into place. God has blessed us so much lately, I cannot express how grateful I am for His grace. We haven't been able to go to church because of my current varied work schedule but I think I've found one that we'll try when we get a chance.

Life is good, still stressful but good.




Anonymous said...

Wow, that's impressive! You go, girl!!!

the striped rose said...

Glad to hear you and the kids are well. Karate is great for kids - physical strength, self-confidence, etc. Keep us updated!

G said...

So good to finally hear from you, and to know that you are all doing well. Congrats on the weight loss! I have lost 18 pounds in the last 2 months, so I know how empowering it is, and what a challenge it can be.

Cheers to your new life!

Anna said...

congratulations on being so well motivated at this stressful time! I joined a gym in Jan - and have been working with a trainer for 3 months now, and it really does make a huge difference to get on track and be motivated - so keep it up :) And I can't wait to hear your debt free scream on Ramsey some day -

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all the weight loss! I'm so happy to hear from you and hear that although things may be stressful, that God is in control, with you and blessing you abundantly!

Continue to be blessed!!!

Best Wishes Always,

Dee in Sunny FL!

heidi said...

It's good to hear you are moving forward in a very positive way. I was deep down hoping that a divorce wasn't imminent but we do what we have to do. Divorce can be very ugly for children. Please keep that one in mind thru whatever happens. I wont parent you on that but I was a product of an ugly divorce and although that was many moons ago, it surfaces its ugly head here and there and strife still exists between my parents. Holidays are never simple.

I don't want to deter you from all the good that has happened in your life either. Wonderful things are happening to you giving you a brand new outlook and that is good. Weight loss is awesome!! Its good to see you are setting attainable goals for your future.

Enjoy the time with your parents also.

God Bless!!

Jennefer said...

It is so good to hear from you and I am thrilled to hear that things continue to move up, up, up! You, D & C will continue to be prayed for in the coming days, weeks and months!

Blessings friend!

Anonymous said...

I've been praying for you and was glad to see the update. Bravo on the weight loss and getting to the gym. You have a good plan in place--goodspeed.
Love2read from wtm

Alane @RaH said...

Nice to hear from you, Jessica. I have missed reading your updates, but it sounds like God has you in a good place.

Dana Leeds said...

It's so great that you and the kids are doing so well. AND, that you have such supportive parents. I know you'll be happy when you get back in your own place, but this can be a wonderful time for the kids to be with their grandparents, too.

Congrats on losing weight and starting to work out! I've lost 14 pounds in the past few months,too, and it is such a great feeling. :-) I love working out, too. Unfortunately, my daughter doesn't enjoy the "kid's club." Maybe I can find a place next time where she can take classes, too!

Carolyn de Paula said...

I'm sending you a hug from here, Jessica. It's Sagira from the Well Trained Mind. I know you're going to rise above it all and emerge victorious. Have fun finding yourself and again and blessings to you and your precious children. Please keep posting. Thanks.

TednLisa said...

Great news on the weight loss. I've been praying for you all since I saw you at the Firestation way back when.
Great to see a post and we will continue to pray for you all.

ChristineMM said...

It sounds like you are doing great! Fantastic on the weight loss and I'm glad to hear you are enjoying exercising.

I find when I'm in a group exercise class at the gym I will not leave early and will do it all while at home in front of TV workout show or DVD I quit and slack off. I also find the energy in group exercises classes excelling for giving me motivation, you can feel the excitement or determination in the air.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,

I don't know if I have ever commented before. I have been reading your blog for awhile.

I just wanted to stop and say how I am amazed at how you seem to have pulled through your "situation." Whatever it is, it sounds very hard. Hang in there.


Grace at Home said...

I just caught myself up on the events in your life. I'm so sorry about the divorce, truly sorry. Congratulations on becoming healthier! I don't mean to intrude but I thought I would suggest, if you haven't already considered it, applying for a job at the academy your children will be attending. I don't know what your background is in but with your experience homeschooling, I think you'd be a wonderful teacher. Just a thought. Blessings!

Tammy said...

Jessica, I have been eagerly waiting an update from you! You and your precious children have been in my prayers. Well done on all that you have accomplished so far! God's grace truly is amazing and undoubtedly sufficient for whatever we may have to go through. Blessings and Grace to you!