On the left are Danny's watercolor creations, on the right is Camille's watercolor creations.

Our new
perpetual French calendar with a seasons and weather spinners.
This will be the kids' calendar and I'll write the English words for Danny.

State, State Capital, State Abbreviations, State Bird, State Flower, and State Flag
These U.S. states magnets were a gift from a homeschooling friend,
here's the product page but we didn't buy these. We spent about 30 minutes this week finding the correct magnets for the states and had fun doing it. They take up a lot of space on my whiteboard so I hope to find another solution for displaying this. I'm contemplating putting them on the fridge but I'm afraid Danny will get ahold of them. We may get a magnetic board just for this so I can hang it above Danny's reach.

This new but bare pine cone fell from the sole tree in our yard and the kids were enthralled with it for about 2 hours.

This is an entry in Camille's nature journal of our Milkweed plant and Crepe Myrtle bush that we have in planters in our backyard. She drew herself in the picture. The Milkweed plant is now hosting a lot of Milkweed bugs. Our insect field guide said that they are harmless unless you're trying to cultivate Milkweed plants. Sigh. At least some type of wildlife is enjoying them, we were hoping for butterflies!

Other than these adventures, we have focused on Horizons 2 Math, Primary Language Lessons and reading aloud. We have been thoroughly enjoying
Children of Summer by Margaret Anderson and
Paddle-to-the Sea by Holling C. Holling. I have been planning out Horizons Preschool for Danny, and so far I have 3 weeks planned out in spreadsheets to make accomplishing the lesson plans easier for me.
We also explored our local library more and I am delighted to say that they have an excellent inventory of books, I may be using the library more, especially once I finish the books we have at home for preschool. For Danny this week, I checked out
This is Soccer by Margaret Blackstone, because Danny is now signed up for soccer from Sept.-Nov. this year.
What a wonderful week. I love all of your visuals-my kids are very visual also and learn a lot from displays like that. I love that they were so captivated by the pine cone-a love of nature can not be forced it is just there.
~Have a blessed day.
Jessica, I love reading your blog! I always get so inspired, and I am so happy your children are having such great nature experiences!
Looks like a fun week! Thanks for sharing.
What a great week! My boys absolutely love Paddle to the Sea. We read it this summer and they ask for it over and over again. Now they want to make paddle.
Have a great one!
Boy, your milkweed bugs take me back. When I was taking an entymology course in college, I had to "foster" several for about a week. I also had crickets and butterflies. But, I think I had these little guys first.
What a great week.
I've never seen a milkweed bug on our milkweed. And, I just checked 2 days ago and we have at least 4 caterpillars. I hope you start seeing some soon!
Looks like you guys are having fun. I'm SO ready to start school in 3 days! :-)
I just had to let you know of a discrepancy in your state list. You have Arkansas, Little Rock, AK. AK is the abbreviation for Alaska and AR is the abbreviation for Arkansas.
Don't feel bad as a lot of people make this same mistake.
Looks like a great year at your house is already underway. Keep up the great work.
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