View from the sofa

Nevermind that we're blocking our unused front door...

Just another view that shows the kids' foldable work table (height adjustable too) and the sofa. Oh, there's a glider in the room too. It's hard to photograph this room!

I suspect every homeschooler's hutch for china looks like this! Lol. I wanted a place where we could SEE our games and extras but Danny wouldn't pull them down and they wouldn't take up valuable shelf space.
Our newly organized and revamped room. I removed our computer from the room which has been a great decision. Too distracting and accessible. :) My desk is now next to the hutch pictured with a cork board above it. My little office.
Looks good. Enjoy your room for the next couple of months. Wow, Jack sure got big.
I posted on the WTM board, but wanted to ask a couple more questions when I came back for another look. Where did you get the file holder? Would more than one folder fit in there (I have three kids so each would need one)? Do you clean up each day to keep it so neat and tidy.
BTW, this is such an informative and helpful blog.
I love your blog and the room. They are very inspirational. I dream of having a room like this someday, but first we have to finish our basement. The list of things to do is oh so long...
Love the look - if I can get the house cleaned up, I am looking forward to finally posting pix of my schoolroom space (ds has a bday this weekend, so I am cleaning like a maniac, hopefully that means next week will get pictures taken - and figure out how to put them on my blog :) As always, love seeing what you do! Anne Marie
I love all those posters -- wish I had room to hang lots! And you are so organized! That looks like a wonderful space to learn in.
I'm seriously fighting off jealousy at this moment. We live in a tiny 2 bedroom house with our three girls so school takes over the livingroom, the kitchen, ok, everywhere basically.
Still, it works for us although I hope to one day have a learning room too. :)
Jessica, what a wonderful room! You have done a fantastic job. I really enjoy your blog. Thank you for taking the time to share with us.
It all looks so beautifully organized. Your science book collection looks particularly exciting. I love the way you have labelled all your photographs too. Oh yes, I just love school room pictures. It is home school mother eye candy!
I really, really shouldn't look at pictures of your book collection. :) I have more kids then you, shouldn't I have more books?! Okay, I live w/in driving distance of a wonderful library that connects w/ a Riparian Preserve...I will be grateful!
The whole room looks like a learning opportunity waiting to happen. Great work in reorganizing!!
PS How old is Jack? He looks so grown up!
I love looking at all these pictures! We have two more weeks to go and we're done with the current "school year". We'll be taking a week of to blitz the house and reorganize. I'm in the fun planning part right now. Thanks for some wonderful ideas.
Looks fantastic! I'm going to show it to Urban Dad.
Your learning room is awesome...
I just have a closet!
Your room is awesome! I love all the books. I'm totally inspired. Now I'm off to get to work. Thanks for sharing.
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