Well it looks like I'm Visual/Spatial, Interpersonal and Linguistic. I like to see things, talk to people using big words. Lol. Want to take the test too? Click here: Multiple Intelligences Quiz.
Leading Little Ones to God
Right Choices by Kenneth Taylor
Big Thoughts for Little People
Beginnings I: And It Was Good
Egermeier's Bible Story Book
Memorized The Lord's Prayer and Apostles Creed
Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading
Memory Work: Poetry & Scripture
Poetry ("A Child's Garden of Verses") Copywork
First Language Lessons
Spelling Workout A & B
Horizons Math 1
Story of the World Vol 1./AG
History Scribe notebook pages
Life Science: Human/Animals/Plants
Artistic Pursuits K-3 Bk1
Harmony Fine Arts Grade One
Manners Made Easy
Bobs Books, Nora Gaydos books
McGuffey Readers and Dick & Jane
Explorer's Bible Study Beginnings II, New Testament
Memory Work: Poetry with The Harp & Laurel Wreath
Explode the Code books 4-6
Primary Language Lessons by Margot Davidson
We dropped spelling and changed our LA direction this year.
Horizons Math 2
Started Tapestry of Grace, Year 2 Redesigned after using SOTW 2 until Jan '08.
Earth Science: Physical geography, earth science and astronomy
Artistic Pursuits K-3 Bk2
Begin earnest Nature Study and Nature journal this year
French with Écoutez Parlez, French Oral Program
Continued with piano lessons using Alfred Piano Basics
Started poetry notebook
Memorized The Books of the Bible, Old Testament
This is a mixture of literature, science and history. I'm only interested in keeping track of what we've read. This does not include all the books Camille is reading on her own, although there are some marked with (I) which means independent.
Burgess Bird Book for Children
Augustine, Farmer's Boy of Tagaste
Who was the Acrobatic Empress?
Britain - My Country
Marguerite Makes a Book
Across a Dark and Wild Sea
Moonlight Kite
Saint Nicholas
Saint Valentine
On the Same Day in March
The Pebble in My Pocket
The Very Hungry Lion
I am Hindu
The Seven Continents
Air is All Around You (I)
Rocks in His Head
What Makes Day and Night
To Space and Back
Eclipse: Darkness in Daytime
The Three Trees
The Cloud Book
The Man Who Named the Clouds
The Snowflake: Water Cycle
Because of Winn-Dixie (I)
Storytime with the Millers
The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor
Madeline Says Merci
The Storm Book
Magic School Bus Inside a Hurricane
A Drop Around the World
I Am Muslim
Sir Whong and the Golden Pig
The Sun Girl and the Moon Boy
Heroes: Great Men Through the Ages
Dig Wait Listen: A Desert Toad's Tale
What is the Full Moon Made Of?
Somewhere in the World Right Now
I can be a geologist
Lon Po Po: Red-Riding Hood from China
Dave's Down-to-Earth Rock Shop
The Holy Twins
Animal Dreaming
Surtsey, The Newest Place on Earth
Volcanoes! Mountains of Fire
Super Storms
Eruption! The Story of Volcanoes
Volcanoes Mountains That Blow Their Tops
Earthquakes (Earth Watch Book)
1,000 Years Ago on Planet Earth
Among the Odds and Evens
Subtraction Action
Avalanche Annie
The Tricky Tortoise
Earthquakes by S.Walker
Oops, neglected this for 2 months.
The Crusades
The Minstrel in the Tower
A Gift from St. Francis
How to be a Medieval Knight
Eric the Red, Leif the Lucky
Life and Times of Vikings
Sightseers: Viking World
How to be a Samurai Warrior
Marco Polo Overland to China
The Mongols
The Door in the Wall
Frog and Toad Together
Chanticleer and the Fox
The Black Death
Black Beauty
The Story of Joan of Arc
The Squire and the Scroll
A Medieval Feast
A Walk in the Rainforest
Nature's Green Umbrella
Francis Drake
Johann Gutenberg & Amazing Press
Marguerite Makes a Book
Renaissance Artists Who Inspired the World
The Clown of God
Christopher Columbus
Leonardo's Horse
Ferdinard Magellan
Saint George and the Dragon
The Sad Night
Nicolaus Copernicus: The Earth is a Planet
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