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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Free Maps Online

I think I have mentioned once or twice that I tend to research things I'm interested in. I have decided that until I can write about our homeschooling misadventures, I'll share my research with you. Who knows, it might actually help someone!

Today the subject is: Maps.

The Ancient World Mapping Center, An interdisciplinary research center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
From their website: "We are developing a collection of free digital maps for educational use. This effort gives teachers and students an expanding set of small-scale reference maps for classroom and personal use. Each may be downloaded from the website in multiple formats. A blank version of each map — suitable for map quizzes and customization — is usually available." The Ancient World Mapping Center link

Online Bible Atlas

From their website: "Readers of the Bible quickly recognize that the number of place names and locations mentioned in the text -- most of them unfamiliar -- is stupifying. The geographical references range eastward as far as India and westward to Spain. Between these limits, the Middle East itself contains numerous states, cities, villages, mountains, rivers ... many of the names have changed from century to century. Thus, in order to have a grasp of what is happening in a particular text, it is extremely helpful to have a set of maps, so that you can follow the narrative in your mind's eye. The following index is arranged in chronological order with maps relating to the Hebrew Bible coming first, and those relating to the New Testament following. All maps and images from the online Bible Atlas are provided by the Access Foundation. " Online Bible Atlas link

Houghton Mifflin's Education Place- Outline Maps

PDF files of World, Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, South America, North America, United States, Historical, and Primary. Education Place Maps link and if you'd like there is a game called GeoNet to play GeoNet link

Online Cartography Resources

From their website: "The explosion of the World Wide Web has helped to create a number of useful online map resources. These include everything from historical maps to road maps to geographic maps. Here is a list of resources including brief descriptions: go see for yourself the resources they have listed!"Online Cartography Resources link

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection from The University of Texas at Austin

More maps than you know what to do with. This site lists all the maps on other sites. I would consider this the ultimate map resource, if you know what you're looking for. UTexas Perry-Castañeda library map link

All sites above are FREE, so see if you can use them in your homeschooling journey.


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